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Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Finished Mp3 Player for my 3d modeling assignment

Here is the finished model of the mp3 I did for my assignment I'm extremely happy with how this turned out, considering its only my 2nd proper model, a few things are slightly wrong with it part on the mp3 player sticks out rather that in where it hides the usb connector, and some of the wires looks bit crappy, hopefully I will get better at it as I do more.

So without further a due here is my 3d model of a mp3 player :)

Monday, 16 May 2011

3D Headphones

Wow, Seems like I'm still getting a lot of views on my blog so just like to thanks everyone for reading :)

What I have been up to recently is making some headphones in 3ds max as part of my 3d model for my assignment, overall it will be a mp3 player along side the headphones, they're still unfinished just need texturing and the mp3 player still needs to be made currently working on that. So without further adue these are my headphones I have made : -

How the headphones looked early on in the process

This is the jackplug I made for them

The wire to connect the headphones to the jackplug

and how the headphones look at the end of making them minus the texture.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

What? a year already?!

Wow a year at uni has gone so fast, come the 20th May all assignments will be handed in and uni will be over for the year till September, quite scary yet amazing how fast it has gone and how much has changed and happened, It's been a amazing year that's for sure I'm glad I decided to go back to Uni and I'm learning so much and meeting some awesome people, namely Scott,Jack and Rob,who you couldn't ask for better friends than those Not forgetting other people of course but you lot know who you are and that way I won't get moaned at if I forget to name someone lol!.

Looking back over the work I've done this year, it looks I've came along way from knowing pretty close to nothing about most programmes we've been using, and its been a lot of  fun (and hard work) trying to learn them, I'm feeling pretty good about this course and I hope my attitude and inspiration continue to grow as we move into our 2nd year and new house which is going to be full of fun!!. Can't Wait!!

Now I've finished being soppy, thanks for reading :)

Comic > Film

As most people Know I'm not a huge fan of Comics > Film, most of them end up being very poorly done and nothing how the Comic's originally made the characters/heroes or completely mess up the story, I'm a pretty big Comic Fan my favorites being DeadPool, Captain America, Wolverine, Punisher, 2000 AD, Spider-Man (naturally).

I've watched most Comic to film, films and been sorely disappointed pretty much most the time with the exceptions off Spider-man 1 and 2, Blade 1, Wolverine Origins (except the last 15mins, which completely craps on one of my favorite characters, won't spoil the ending for people who haven't seen though the ending is a complete joke), Hellboy, Iron Man (which I've only just got round to watching), and I suppose Fantastic Four 1 & 2 were ok'ish.

The films I've been sorely disappointed with were the X-Men trilogy I hated them they got all the characters wrong wolverine shows off his emotions way to much in it, which he rarely does, Cyclops the leader (apart from Xavier) of the X-men is rarely in the films and dies even..

Spider Man 3 after finding out Venom was actually going to be in the 3rd film I was so hyped for it, yet they managed to mess it up one of the best villains imo he hardly got any screen time and its what the fans wanted the most was for venom to be  in the film, and they made spider man look totally weak in the 3rd film when he loses the symbiote suit.

I won't even go into how much I hated DareDevil , Elektra, Hulk and the remake of it, and the completely terrible Punisher films. Oh and how could I forget the absolutely horrific Judge Dredd, there are probably a few more but I would rather forget about them.

I'm still yet to see Thor but people have been saying it's very good, I might drag myself to see it just hope it doesn't disappoint, and also the Captain America film which I am actually quite excited for I really hope they make it a good one, The Avenger's film should also be pretty good too they Have War Machine and Hawkeye in it which is quite surprising they are going with the original avengers and not the popular ones and mish mashing them.

Overall I'm not against making Comic > Films, Some of the films I've mentioned actually prove it can work and work to a great standard, though I wish they would take more time and care while writting and making these films rather than making a cheap buck; as their are a huge amount of fan's who love to see their favorite Hero's on the big screen then end up sorely disappointed.

Thanks for listening Rant over :)


Remediation is when the use of one medium or a idea that originated in another area, such as a radio idea being used in a film or a television show. Sometimes this doesn't always work out for the best as something which works well in one medium does not mean it will work in another and could fail miserably though other times it could work even better than the original idea it spawned from.

Two terms that were brought up were Immediacy and Hypermediacy which I will talk about here.

Immediacy is where media tries to make it seem like it isn't media at all for example Tim Bradstreet who done art for the comic "The Punisher" and "HellBlazer" its a drawing but done in a way which makes it look like its a real photo. Here's a example

Hypernediacy is were the media makes it very clear that something isn't real at all, I guess a silly example of this is "Last Action Hero" film where Jack Slater and Arnie who plays himself in the film one role is were he is a Big action hero in films and the other role is how he is in real life.

PixalH8 / Matthew Applegate sound lessons.

We had a special guest lecturer Matthew Applegate also known as PixalH8 who over six weeks taught us all about sounds and music , all the different ways they are used to change emotions like a really horrific scene wouldn't be anyway near the same if the sound was off, or if it had really happy jolly music to it.

The 1st few lessons we had were watching Star War's and looking at how they made the sound effects such as a laser sound is made by a slinky and dropping a ball down inside it, and a light sabre sound is made from a old 50's tube television with the back pulled off and a microphone being swung back and forth behind it near the tube.

Matthew also showed us about the Star Wars music how most the song's intertwined like Darth Vader's imperial march has slight hints of Luke Skywalkers Theme mixed into it, to give the hint that they are related, Leia's them also does this too, I found this really interesting it wouldn't be something you would normally notice till you analyze it, It made me want to find and watch other films to see where else this happens.

The next 2 lesson's we had we were shown how to make Foley sounds which are the Old School way they used to make sounds which were when they used items to create sound effects for example a tray of stones and someone wearing a pair of shoes on there hands and moving their hands on the stones to create someone walking over stones and they could make this sound like someone running, walking, walking quietly or if you were to drop a melon from a roof and record it smashing on to the ground it would make a sound like a head exploding.

Some of the sounds we created with Matthew were snapping salary to make it sound like a neck snapping, cutting a cabbage slowly with a knife to make it sound like cracking bones, and squeezing a cabbage to sound like a erm i guess way to describe it would be a egg sound from the film "Alien", we created a whole load of sounds, which was very helpful in creating sounds for our games or games we wish to make in the future.

The last 2 lessons were about editing the sounds we created with a programme called "Audacity" and how to get the sound effects to sound really good and realistic so it would sound even more like a neck snapping and you could edit it too sound truly horrific and brutal.

I really enjoyed Matthew's lesson's they were full of interesting pieces of knowledge and I learnt so much from them, he is a really interesting person, it's made me look at objects in a new way to see what sounds they could produce and even got me back into making music again but looking at it from a different perspective. I'm really looking forward to hopefully having more lessons with Matthew. 

3DS Max Room

Over the past few month's been slowly working on making a 3d room in 3ds max, it's coming along pretty well, I was originally going to use it for my flash game project but a few hitches voided that idea, but I'm going to continue working on it and have it as a portfolio piece then in the summer hopefully make a flash game with it.
I really like the way its going though me and 3ds max don't get along very well so i'm quite proud of it to be honest, so I thought I would share it with the people reading my blog.